Arthur V. Savage American Legion Post 100
7999 Elm Ave
Wyndmoor, PA 19038
Eligible veterans (ALL from 1941 to the present) applying for first time membership must submit the following information to the Post Adjutant, Ron Stone:
1. Complete American Legion Membership application by clicking on the "APPLICATION" button on the website's menu list.
Fill out completly and print a copy. MAIL the application to the address of the Adjutant, Ron Stone, which will be shown when you hit the submit button even though after you click it will say it was emailed. Remember to sign the application. Applications are also available at the Post or you will be sent one if you call Ron Stone at 215-836-7184.
2. A COPY OF YOUR DD214 OR DISCHARGE PAPERS. Your Discharge must be "Honorable." If you cannot find your DD214, call Ron Stone for instructions to obtain your records.
3. Membership Dues Payment. Dues are currently $50 for all members of the Post. Make checks payable to "American Legion Post 100". DO NOT SEND CASH.
4. When your application is processed and membership is approved, a membership card and other pertinent information will be mailed to you.
5. Please see eligibility below.
Veterans applying for transfers from your current Post to our Post must submit the following:
a. Completed Member Data Form (call Ron Stone 215-836-7184 to obtain it)
b. Copy of DD214 or DISCHARGE (if your are transferring from "Post 945")
c. Copy of your membership card.
d. Current year's dues if you have not already paid it or next year's if it is due soon.
MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILTY in the American Legion is based on honorable service of at least one day of active military duty with the
U.S Armed Forces
For any questions please contact our Adjutant, Ron Stone (215-836-7184 or stop at the Post, address above (215-233-5694).