Our next meeting will be March 2nd at 2pm.
Rita's is reopening on Feb 12th. We will no longer have access to their parking lot. Save those parking permit signs for next year.
Changes are coming to how the Post communicates to it's members. We will be making website changes, how we will accept payments and overall communication with our membership will become better. Stay tuned.
We again sponsored a Little League baseball team for the upcoming season.
We have a new beer at the bar. It is called SAVAGE-LITE. Try it.
Stayed tuned for news about a major Block Party with fireworks. The Bocce Club is funding an event.
There will be a SuperBowl party on Feb 9th. There will be food and all drinks are $1 off. GO EAGLES !
The Military Banner program is now active. Go to this link:
Fatty's property next to the Post has been converted to a Brew Pub and winery and has apartments on the upper floors. The new name is Stotesbury and is now open for business.
We will no longer be able to park in their parking lot. Also the driveway next to the Post building will become an exit from their parking lot so there can be no parking in front of that driveway. The new management has agreed to lease the plot of land (which they own) behind our back yard to us for a nominal fee of $1 per year. This will add 25' to the back yard for our use.
Go to the Special Events page for upcoming events.
New bar hours are 11am-10pm every day except every other Sun when Joe Merk makes breakfast starting at 7am. Note: the bar may be kept upon until Midnight on Fri and Sat if there is enough business.
We will also be flying coffin flags at the Vet Park to honor deceased Post members. Signage will be placed to indicate who is being honored. Also a short ceremony by the Honor Guard will be held. Hopeful to do these events monthly.
If you want to receive news about the Post by email you must give me your email address. Send it to: "" with the message that you want to be added to my Blast list. Your addresses will be hidden and I will only sent you occassional pertinent info.
The Post has a new Facebook page: "Arthur Savage Post 100"
See notes under "News You Can Use" below to find out about signing up for the Legion Insurance Trust and for tax free and shipping free ONLINE shopping at the Army-Air Force Exchange service.
The officers of the Post have been reelected for 2025 with these exceptions: Kevin Simmons replaces the late Charlie Pierce as Senior Vice Commander and Jose Morales is now coordinates IT/Communications and with Gene Friel's retirement, Jim Mostiller is now the Events & entertainment coordinator and will handle Ways and Means funds.
Sons had there election recently. Bill Hecker will be the new Squadon Commander replacing Joe McGlade. Dan Citrone will be taking over membership for the Sons. Thanks to Joe and Star for past services to the Squadron!
The State has gotten into the video game business and we have two video games now which already have contributed to our financial well being as well enriching some who have hit jackpots on them.
Congress has passed the Legion Bill and the President has signed it. This bill opens up membership in the American Legion to ALL honorably discharged veterans since Dec 1941 to the present day.
The Post's email address is:
Ron Stone represents our Post as a District Deputy Commander.
Bartenders now have an Applications Book for all types of members of the Post. Compiled by Ron Stone, it should make it easier for the bartenders to find the appropriate application when asked.
Currently, only about 90% of our total membership (this includes Legionnaire, Sons, Auxiliary and Social) have filled out and submitted the necessary application form for Home Assoc. membership as required by the PA Liquor Control Board. We MUST maintain a file record of all those who are eligible to use our bar facilities. If you have not yet filled out this required application form, please do so ASAP and submitted to the Adjutant (can give to the bartender). There are applications at the Post or call Ron Stone at 215-836-7184 to have one mailed to you. Except for Social members, this is a one time requirement.
As of January, we are at 78% renewals for 2025 with 163 active members. You are now delinquent if you have not paid your dues for 2025. You will be suspended on Feb 28th. Please pay you dues.
Check the Breavement page to see the names of the members we have lost since last Memorial Day.
Membership dues mail payments should be sent to the home of the Adjutant, Ron Stone, instead of to the Post's address. Send to: 7701 Gate Rd Wyndmoor PA 19038-7628. For 2025, the dues will be $50 because of increases by National, Department and District. Please also note that the membership year runs from Jan 1st to Dec 31st. Membership cards are mailed the third week in December.
Social Memberships are handled by Ron Stone. See him or the bartender to fill out a Home Association membership form and pay dues (for 2024) of $37 (that will change to $50 for 2025) to get your annual membership card.
For Legionnaires and Sons--Per our Post Bylaws as dictated by PA Department, annual membership renewal payment is due by October 20th of each year. After Jan 1, 2025, you will be considered delinquent and if not paid by the end of January, your Legion privileges will be suspended. This also means that you will not be able to use the Post bar. In addition, at the Febuary Meeting, your continued membership in Post 100 will have to voted upon by the Legion members present at that time. If voted out, your membership in the Legion could be transferred to the State "Umbrella"Post known as "Post 945". If still not paid by June 30th, membership in the Legion is forfeited.
There are three ways to pay your dues:
1. Annually by direct payment to the Adjutant (or through the bartenter).
2. Online at the American Legion website using a credit card.
3. Purchasing a life membership (Note: the method for obtaining a Life Membership has changed as of 7/1/15. All Life membership applications are handled by and must go through National Headquarters).
Montgomery County has a great website for Vet Affairs, etc. Go to:
The Phila VA Hospital was renamed in honor of Michael Crescenz, a Medal of Honor receipient from PA.
The VA will be issuing a Veterans ID card to those who request one even though they are not in the VA health system. In addition, Bucks and Montgomery Counties are issuing Vet picture ID cards at their Recorder of Deeds office. They will place your DD-214 in their files for you and give a list of places that will honor your card with discounts. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT FAMILY MEMBERS KNOW WHERE YOUR DD-214 IS LOCATED IN YOUR HOME. IT IS NEEDED TO HAVE MILITARY HONORS AT FUNERALS.
MILITARY RECORDS can be obtained either by writing to:
National Personnel Record Center 1 Archives Drive St Louis MO 63138, calling 1-314-801-0800 or you can request a Form 180 to send in to get your DD214 from Ron Stone or Fred Kluxen. You can also go to this website to handle the process:
The Post can provide you with applications for applying for VA health benefits. See Fred Kluxen or Ron Stone for the forms.
The Dept of Veteran Affairs in Norristown can issue all vets an ID card that will allow for discounts in many places of business. Call 610-278-3285 for info.
You can access VA health care at or call the Health Benefits Center at 1-800-222-8387.
If you are a low income vet with lots of medical expenses and have a NON-service related disability, you may be eligible for a VA pension. Call 1-800-827-1000 or go to :
The VA has a program called "Aid and Attendance" with can provide as much as $1949 per month to Vets who need care, either at home, in a nursing facility or assisted living facility. Go to and for information. Also see the link below for Montgomery County's website which explains the three types of VA Pensions available to you.
Funeral and burial expense money can be received from the VA in the amount of $700 for each item as well as $100 from Montgomery County. Make sure your family is aware of this since some Funeral Directors are not.
Pennsylvania recently passed a referendum permitting the State to award bonuses to Gulf War era vets (1991-2) who are PA residents. Applications are posted at the Post BB and can also be obtained from Ron Stone.
If you are receiving 100% disability from the VA, you are eligible for an exemption for your Property and School taxes. You must contact the VA to get the necessary forms to get an Awards Letter certifying your disability. This benefit is not being advertised, you must inquire to get it.
Montgomery County has many benefits for Veterans such as: Burial allowance, headstone allowance, flags and bronze flag holders, emergency assistance payments, real estate tax exemptions (see above), disability pensions, State Vet Homes, fishing license discount, etc. For more info, contact the Philadelphia Adjutant General's office at 215-381-3040 or go to the PA Dept of Vet Affairs website at: or go to to access links to many different programs. One such link provides up to date info about the three levels of VA Pensions: Basic, Household and Aid & Attendance.
Vets can get free tickets to sporting events. Go to:
A searchable database of resources (National Resource Directory) for vets and their families can be found at:
The Army-Airforce Exchange Service (AAFES) is now opening up to ALL veterans to use their online website to order items from them tax free and shipping free (over $49). Go to: ShopMy to verify your eligibility and sign up to start shopping. In addition, Vets who are service disabled, POW, MofH will be able to enter military bases and use their commisary or military exchange. Your Vet Health ID access card must be shown.
The Legion Insurance Trust is accidental life insurance of $1000 (or $5000 if you are on Legion business) for NO COST TO YOU. It can be had for life by signing up just one time. Go to: to sign up for life. This also applies to Sons and Auxiliary members as well. You can also call 1-800-235-6943.
The Dept of Motor Vehicles has a place on their new Driver's License applications to designate you as a Veteran with a "V" on your driver's license. You must check the box on your application or tell the clerk when you renew your license.
The Montgomery County and Bucks County Recorder of Deeds office in Norristown will record your DD214 in it's official records so that you will always have access to it. They will also issue you a Veteran's ID card which will get you discounts in hundreds of retail locations. They will provide a list of them to you. Call 610-278-3294 or go to for more info.
How to subscribe to DISPATCH, the National Legion newsletter. This newletter is delivered digitally by email to you. Go to and click on "subscribe" under "e-newsletters". From there, you can choose to receive an email link for electronic DISPATCH. The e-newsletter will be published with fresh links on a monthly basis and at other times as warranted. The Department of PA's newsletter...the Keystone News, comes out monthly. You can subscribe for $6 per year.
Veterans who have asbestos-lung related problems can find info they need with regard to claims at:
Pennsylvania passed a law which permits residents to place a "security freeze" on their credit reports. This goes a long way in preventing identity thief because only YOU can unfreeze access to obtain credit. The freeze costs $10 but is free to those over 65. Call the credit bureaus for the forms to sign up.
TransUnion 1-800-680-7289
Equifax 1-800-685-1111
Experian 1-888-397-3742
Flag Saluting
Who and when and what can be saluted is very confusing. Here are the up to date regulations.
Members of the Department of Defense in uniform are only allowed to salute the National Ensign, and on six days of the year, they also can salute the POW/MIA flag. Those six days are: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, POW/MIA Recognition Day and Veteran's Day.
Veterans, in addition, can salute Organizational flags as well and they can do so whether in uniform or not, indoors and outdoors, with or without head cover. Legionnaires recognize as Organizational flags: POW/MIA, Post, Sons, Auxiliary, Riders, Blue Star, Gold Star, the States, Commonwealths, and Territories of the USA, President and Vice-Presidential flags. When you are wearing Legionnaire apparel (such as a hat) and you salute, you do so representing the American Legion. When you salute without uniform, you do so as a veteran citizen.
Whether in uniform or not, you can salute the National Ensign during the playing of the National Anthem or hold your hat or hand over your heart. You hold your hat or hand over your heart when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Each year, I have to send a report to Department about its activities regarding community service. Department then passes this info on to National which uses it in its annual report to Congress in order to get funding.
It is very difficult for me to know about all that our members are doing, so I need input from each of you if you are in any way engaged in community service. I basically need the number of hours you spent performing such activity. Examples of what I mean are: election poll worker, mentoring, scouting, community/church committees, donating blood, volunteerism, helping the sick or needy, etc. Just give me a call or email or let me know when you see me at the Post.
You can contact me , Ron Stone, at 215-836-7184 or by email at: